We sell Educational Materials from Preschool to Adult Education at the College and University Level
Presently we sell mainly through Amazon.com Our company website is being worked on where we will also be selling what we sell now on Amazon.com We sell just about anything you could consider "Educational" at all levels of Education.
Keywords: Physical Education, Movement Education, Perceptual-Motor Development, Psycho-Motor Development, young children, preschool, early elementary, school, grades,Movement Coordination, total body, hand-eye coordination, foot-eye coordination, Jack Capon, Successful Movement Challenges, Basic Movement Activities, Ball, Rope, Hoop Activities, Balance Activities, Bean Bag, Rhythm Stick Activities, Tire, Parachute Activities, Successful Movement Challenges, Perceptual-Motor Lesson Plans, social development, elementary school children, intermediate school children,hand-eye coordination kits, foot-eye coordination kits, Bean Bag Kit, Rhythm Stick Kit, Ribbon Stick Kit, Rubberband Ball Kit, Parachutes, Rebounder, ReeBoundNet, CrossBar Standard, Geometric Shapes, Jump Box, Launching Board, Super Scooter, Tire Support Stand, Coordination Ladder, Low Walking Board, Low Balance Beam, Intermediate Walking Board, High Walking Board, Intermediate Balance Bea, High Balance Beam, foam Coordination Boards, foam StickySticks, foam DimondBall, foam CubeStands, jump ropes, musical movement coordination CDs, Rhythm Stick Activities, Bean Bag Activities, Perceptual-Motor Rhythm Games, Motor Fitness Rhythm Games, Childrens All-Time Rhythm Favorites, Childrens All-Star Rhythm Hits, Get Ready To Square Dance, Square Dance Made Easy, Streamer and Ribbon Activities, Perceptual-Motor Development videos, Thinking-Moving-Learning, Perceptual-Motor Training Video, Classroom Furniture, Science, Social Studies, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Math, Educational CDs, Educational DVDs, Educational Music, Educational Equipment, History, Regional and National Maps, educational printed materials